November has
been a very sad, emotional and colourfull month for me, yes, all at the
same time as I have been busy projecting my brothers slides on the big
tower that is being constructed right in front of my house.
After moving
house, the time had come to unpack, and at a certain point I came across
the slides that my brother had made a few years ago. He had been
experimenting with plastic colourfilters that are being used in
professional lighting rigs. He constructed new slides by cutting up the
coloured pieces of plastic and inserting these into the empty slide.
The result is a
sort of glass-in-lead effect and the fun really starts when you combine
the slides to make one big "picture" allowing the slides to cross into
each others fields and thus blending the colours.
So I had started
by projecting two slides, and then it all kind of got out of control....
More projectors, more slides, creating new slides, getting feedback, and
finally writing a press infosheet and sending it to the newspaper,
resulting in a visit from a journalist, photographer and a complete
filmcrew for brabants dagblad (TV).
On the 3rd Nov,
one day before my mum's birthday, there was a big article with full colour
photograph in "het Brabants Dagblad"
Right now the
slide projectors are back in their storage boxes, awaiting a new moment
where they can project the coloured rays of energy.